This page contains important information about parking and having a vehicle on the 十大外围足彩网站排行榜ampa campus. Please read carefully!
IT IS ILLEGAL TO PARK anywhere on campus other than in a marked parking space. The absence of "No Parking" or "Fire Lane" signs, lack of curb paint or enough room for a vehicle to park does not suggest that parking is permitted. YOU MAY ONLY LEAVE YOUR VEHICLE IN MARKED PARKING SPACES. There are no exceptions.
Please note: It is illegal to park anywhere along North A Street, Brevard Ave., 十大外围足彩网站排行榜 Poe Parkway, in, around or near AMSCOT or the privately owned properties on the west side of campus. It is also illegal to park along the CSX Railroad tracks that parallel Cass Street. Parking does not change during breaks, closures, or University operational changes. Anyone violating the University's parking policies may have their vehicle ticketed, booted, towed or impounded by the property owners, the City of Tampa and/or the University.
The University of Tampa assumes no liability, under any circumstances, for damaged, vandalized, stolen or impounded vehicles.
The University of Tampa is a private, urban institution that encourages its Department of Campus Safety officers to strictly enforce parking policies. Faculty, staff, students and their guests are responsible for understanding and complying with these regulations at all times. Failure to do so may result in citations, immobilization, vehicle impound, or loss of parking privileges.
It is the vehicle operator's responsibility to contact Campus Safety in advance regarding any questions, concerns or circumstances that may result in a citation or vehicle impounding. Some examples of possible situations include the use of a temporary vehicle, needing to park in an area outside of your designated parking area and change in residency status.
Department of Campus Safety
Maureen A. Daly Innovation and Collaboration Building (first floor)
820 W. North A St.
Telephone: On Campus: x7777
Off-Campus: (813) 257-7777
Parking Email:
General Email:
- All students, faculty and staff are required to register any vehicle that will be parking on campus at any time. Starting Fall 2024, vehicle registration is required to obtain access to any gated parking areas on campus
- This does not apply to rental vehicles, which will need a temporary pass obtained by filling out the Temporary Vehicle Registration form. Valid parking decals are to be affixed to the back windshield driver's side, and vehicles are to be parked in the designated parking areas (See parking requirements below)
- Student parking decals are valid from August of the current academic year to August 31st of the following academic year (ex. August 2024 – August 31, 2025)
- Cost of a student decal is based on when in the academic year they are purchased and are billed to the student's account with the Bursar:
- ***Academic Year decals are not available until mid-to-late August each year***
- Purchased during Fall semester (August-December): $55
- Purchased during Spring semester (January-April): $40
- Purchased during the Summer terms (May-July): $35
- Replacement and secondary student decals: $15
- A replacement decal is only an option after the initial decal for the current academic year has been purchased
- Students only: If you need a replacement, you must contact, from your 十大外围足彩网站排行榜 email account
- Faculty and Staff replacement and secondary decals are obtained by going through the registration process on the parking system.
- If your license plate is being transferred to the new vehicle, you must contact to register
- If you have any questions, please contact prior to purchasing the decal as there are no refunds/exchanges if you buy the incorrect decal
- Any unauthorized use or reproduction of a parking decal or pass will result in a citation, conduct referral (if applicable), and the possibility of the driver's parking privileges being revoked.
Admissions guests may park by the Southard Family Building and the Macdonald-Kelce Library between the hours of 7 a.m. and 5 p.m. and require a pass from Admissions.
The Lowth Entrepreneurship Center reserved guest parking is indicated by reserved signs on the seventh floor of the Rick Thomas Parking Garage and requires a pass from the Lowth Entrepreneurship Center.
Visitors/Guests are required to display a visitor parking pass, with the exception of sporting events, while on campus. Save time by using the link below to request a pass at least one business day before arrival. Otherwise, you will need to go to the Department of Campus Safety with all vehicle information and driver's license to apply in person.
- Visitors' parking areas:
- Rick Thomas Parking Garage; entry to this level is located on North A Street
- West Parking Garage second floor
- Admissions parking areas are available weekdays between 5 p.m. and 7 a.m.
View admission/visitor parking information on the parking map.
- First-year students, who reside on campus, are not permitted to have cars on campus
- First Year/Freshman Student Parking Policy
- This designation is determined by enrollment status and not the number of credit hours
- This policy does not apply to local students who live off campus and commute to 十大外围足彩网站排行榜
- This policy does not apply to students who are transfer students that have completed at least one academic year prior to transferring to the University of Tampa
- Students who graduated high school over one calendar year ago are not considered first-year students under this policy. These students will need to contact to file an appeal for the waiver
- First Year/Freshman Student Parking Policy
- Students must park as designated by their permit, which is based on student residency status
- Resident refers to a student residing in or assigned university housing (this includes the Barrymore)
- West Parking Garage second-floor ramp (at the incline) and above
- Commuter refers to a student residing off campus
- Rick Thomas Parking Garage starting on the second-floor ramp (at the incline) and above
- West Parking Garage designated first-floor spaces (follow signage) and first-floor ramp (at the incline) and above
- Delaware Parking Garage second floor and above. The ramp between the first and second floor is faculty and staff parking only
- Grand Center Parking Garage fourth and fifth floors
- This garage will be gated and requires current vehicle registration and Spartan ID to access
- West side of campus, some spaces and lots along Frederic H. Spaulding Street and Edison Avenue are marked for student use
- Vehicles are not permitted to be left on campus if the driver is not on campus, in accordance with the parking rules and regulations
- All Students
- Faculty/staff lots are available for use Monday - Thursday between 5 p.m. and 10 p.m. and Friday at 5 pm through Sunday at 10 pm. These are the only times parking in faculty/staff lots is permitted.
- Starting Fall 2024: A 十大外围足彩网站排行榜 Spartan ID and registered vehicle are required to access any gated parking areas.
- Reminder: parking rules and regulations do not change during breaks, closures, or university operational changes
- You may not park in any specifically reserved space (visitor, residence life, president, ROTC, etc.) at any time. These may be marked by signage, street, curb, parking block markings or combination. Gated lots, even when gates are open, do not indicate parking is allowed outside of the specified times above
- Faculty/staff lots are available for use Monday - Thursday between 5 p.m. and 10 p.m. and Friday at 5 pm through Sunday at 10 pm. These are the only times parking in faculty/staff lots is permitted.
- Resident refers to a student residing in or assigned university housing (this includes the Barrymore)
- Faculty/staff
- Faculty/staff parking lots
- 十大外围足彩网站排行榜 Spartan ID card and a current parking decal are required to access gated lots
- Any issues with access should be directed to the Spartan Card Office
- Rick Thomas Parking Garage second floor
- West Parking Garage first-floor designated spaces
- Delaware Parking Garage first floor and first-floor ramp
- Grand Center Parking Garage second and third floors
- This garage will be gated and requires current vehicle registration and Spartan ID to access
- MAY NOT park in visitor spaces or other specifically reserved spaces not designated for them
- Faculty/staff parking lots
- Motorcycles
- are permitted to use the motorcycle-specific spaces within the garage
- must park in the areas designated by their parking decal
- Students are not permitted to park their motorcycles in faculty/staff or otherwise reserved spaces or areas
- Event Parking
- All requests to reserve on-campus parking spaces for campus events must be submitted through the Special Event Parking Request form. Per 十大外围足彩网站排行榜ampa policy, gated lots are assigned for faculty and staff parking, Monday through Friday, from 7a.m. to 5 p.m. During that period, the only other authorized use of gated lots is for Trustees, Chiselers, Golden Spartans, and President's Office events.
- All requests to reserve on-campus parking spaces for campus events must be submitted through the Special Event Parking Request form. Per 十大外围足彩网站排行榜ampa policy, gated lots are assigned for faculty and staff parking, Monday through Friday, from 7a.m. to 5 p.m. During that period, the only other authorized use of gated lots is for Trustees, Chiselers, Golden Spartans, and President's Office events.
- Citation charges will be applied to student accounts with the Bursar for payment. An outstanding balance on your student account may cause delays in class registration, receipt of transcripts, or issuance of your diploma
- Citation charges take at least one (1) business day to appear on the student account.
- A citation that has been applied to a student account can still be appealed, if it’s within the date/time allowed
- Should a citation be invalid or incorrect, that is you were not in direct violation of University of Tampa parking rules and regulations, or any information on the citation is incorrect (i.e. vehicle information, date, time, etc.):
- A citation appeal may be filed with the University Traffic Appeal Board by the time and Appeal date listed on the citation
- Appeals are submitted through your ARMS parking account, accessed from My十大外围足彩网站排行榜ampa
- Visitors needing to appeal a citation will need to contact within the five-day window
- Warning citations cannot be appealed, as the appeal process is designed to dispute an invalid citation and remove the fine associated with it
- All University community members are required to register their vehicles, display valid parking decals and use their designated parking areas at all times.
- Beginning Fall 2024: Vehicle registration is required to obtain access to parkin in gated parking areas
- Parking on campus is allowed only when the vehicle’s operator is on University business, attending class or a University event. Vehicles are not permitted to be left over summer break
- To ensure optimal parking availability and safety for the University community members and visitors, parking rules are always in effect and enforced. This includes breaks, closures, or University operational changes
- FIRE LANES are for use by emergency vehicles only. All other vehicles are prohibited from using the fire lanes for loading/unloading or any other purpose regardless of the use of hazards or intended length of stay
- The absence of "No Parking" signs or curb paint does not suggest that parking is permitted
- The vehicle may be impounded at the owner's expense for, but not limited to:
- parking in a fire lane, reserved space or no parking area
- obstructing traffic/pedestrian flow, creating a hazard, or interfering with University operations
- violation of the Freshman Student Parking Policy
- remaining unmoved for three consecutive days
- Parking privileges may be revoked for, but not limited to:
- three or more violations per semester or five violations per academic year
- violation of the Freshman Student Parking Policy
- providing fraudulent information or improper decal use
- hit-and-run accident involvement
- driving while under the influence or alcohol or drugs
- Driving the wrong direction on one-way streets is prohibited and strictly enforced
- The maximum 十大外围足彩网站排行榜 campus speed limit is 15 mph
Parking Violations:
All parking violations are $35, except for the following:
- Parked in a fire lane: $50
- Parking in a disability space without a valid permit: $75
- Failure to yield to a pedestrian in a crosswalk: $50
Note: Individuals driving recklessly, driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs, repeating serious violations or driving/parking on campus after privileges have been revoked will be referred immediately to the Office of Student Conduct.
Learn more about bicycling at 十大外围足彩网站排行榜.
\r\n"}}' id="text-1272ecc442">The University of Tampa encourages biking for the 十大外围足彩网站排行榜 community as a healthy, cost-effective way for students, faculty, staff and visitors to get to and around campus. Benefits of biking include reduced traffic and parking congestion to cleaner air. 十大外围足彩网站排行榜 advocates for bicycling use through investments in bicycle infrastructure, including bike racks and bike rentals, and programming.
Learn more about bicycling at 十大外围足彩网站排行榜.